Monday 3 August 2015




1 batch of chocolate chip cookies (scroll below for recipe)
1 Litre of vanilla ice-cream
mini chocolate chips or chocolate sprinkles
Wax or Parchment paper cut in squares ( big enough to wrap the cookie)

Take out vanilla ice-cream from freezer 5 minutes before you are ready to assemble cookies.
Spread all cookies on a flat sheet tray, with the smooth side facing up. Count Tops and Bottoms.
Put the chocolate chips or chocolate sprinkles in bowl, big enough to roll the cookie in.
Scoop one ice-cream scoop of ice-cream on the bottom half of the cookie.
Take the top cookie and place it over the ice-cream and press firmly ensuring the cookie does not break.
Take a knife and pass around the sides to slightly smoothen the sides
Roll the sides of the cookie in the chocolate chip/sprinkles
Place on parchment or wax paper and wrap.
Place the openings of the paper face down.
To prevent the ice-cream sandwiches from melting, as one sandwich is melted place in the freezer.

Any flavour ice-cream or cookie can be used.
Any garnish can be used for example nuts, white chocolate, colourful sprinkles
When building the sandwiches, if the ice cream is getting soft, place back in the freezer to harden.
Wrapping the ice-cream sandwich is optional, this makes it easier to serve.

What flavour ice-cream you will use?
What kind of cookie you will use?


  1. Chocolate ice-cream and chocolate cookie, rolled in chocolate chips.......

  2. That looks amazing a total dream

  3. This one looks really easy, i will try this one soon

  4. Oh my goodness what a treat!!!

  5. Ths I could actually try ....looks simple n delicious in all its chocolaty goodness =D

  6. Ths I could actually try ....looks simple n delicious in all its chocolaty goodness =D
